
The chemistry of love

12.03.2007, 23:00

These sentences or parts of sentences have been removed from the text. Try to reconstruct it.

a. a key element of producing oxytocin is touching
b. love is too complex to be reduced just to chemical reactions
c. you might experience a pounding heart
d. when sparks fly between two people, we are quick to say they have "chemistry"
e. passionate romances really cool into attachment after building up a tolerance to uppers like PEA
f. do your best to enjoy the natural highs that life gives you
g. PEA is a natural amphetamine, like the drug, and can cause similar stimulation
h. but there is a perfectly logical explanation to those intense feelings

.......................... (1). Not everyone realizes that such couples literally do have chemistry. It is what is behind those sweaty palms, the jumpy stomach, thumping heart, and nervous jitters. It also contributes to that warm, comfortable feeling you get from being with a longtime partner.

When asked what it is like to be in love, many talk about fear, shaking, flushing, weakness, and stammering. Indeed, when human beings are attracted to one another, it sets off quite a chain reaction in the body and brain. ......................... (2).

The most well-known love-related chemical is phenylethylamine (PEA), a naturally occurring trace ammine in the brain. .......................... (3). This natural upper contributes to that kick-up-your-heels, on-top-of-the-world feeling that attraction can bring,

One of the substances released by PEA is the neurochemical dopamine. Dopamine stimulates the production of oxytocin, sometimes known as "the cuddle chemical". ......................... (4). It is released every time we hold hands or snuggle up close to someone. It bonds us with the people we love most, whether a lover, child, family member or friend. Oxytocin is labelled as "hormonal superglue" that keeps us connected to one another long after the PEA wears out.

Norepinephrine, another euphoria-inducing chemical, stimulates the production of adrenaline and makes our blood pressure when near the person we are attracted to. That is why ..................... (5) or sweaty palms when you see someone you find attractive.
Some scientists believe that after a certain period, from 18 months to 4 years, our body gets used to these love stimulants -- and statistics prove that divorce rates peak around the fourth year of marriage. Is it because the initial 'highs' of love have lost their chemical fundamentals and we are getting immune to the chemicals? Do ......................... (6)?
Nothing is as simple as it seems at first sight. ......................... (7). Even hard-core scientists agree that chemistry is not everything. Culture, circumstances, personality, and other variables also decide who turns your head and who leaves you cold. So do not to reduce that loving feeling to a basement chemistry lab. ......................... (8) - and find the one who gives you that chemical reaction!

a 4, b 7, c 5, d 1, e 6, f 8, g 3, h 2



K výrazom v prvom stĺpci (1 - 8) priraďte vysvetlenie (a - h)  a preklad (A - H).

1 consequently a. as an alternative, apart from it, in every other way but this A. avšak, ale, (ale) napriek tomu,
2 furthermore b. in place of sb/sth, as a substitute B. inak
3 however c. as a result meanwhile C. preto
4 instead d. in contrast, although sth is true in spite of that D. okrem toho, naviac, navyše, uvádza argument podporujúci tvrdenie
5 meanwhile e. at the same time, during this time E. avšak, ale, (ale) napriek tomu, (ale) i tak
6 nevertheless f. in addition (to what´s just been said) F. zatiaľ, medzitým
7 otherwise g. in contrast, although sth is true, in spite of that G. namiesto toho
8 therefore h. for that reason H. následkom čoho

1cH, 2fD, 3d/gA/E, 4bG, 5eF, 6d/g A/E, 7aB, 8hC


Vety doplňte slovami vytvorenými z podstatných mien a slovies. Ak je potrebné, urobte gramatické zmeny.

1. to choose
She is faced with a difficult ................................. - her family or her career.

2. success
Nothing ......................... like success. (A saying which means : success often leads to further success)

3. to invite
They haven't sent out any ................... to their wedding yet. It´s the highest time they did.

4. advice
I have ................................. him against giving up the job but he won't listen.

5. improvement
The wine ..................................... with age.

6. to try
They will employ Mark for a 3-month .............................. period.

7. weight
How much does your luggage ....................................?

8. proof
Does this document .............................. Mrs Swan´s innocence?

9. to fail
All my efforts ended in .................................. .

10. to address
A person to whom a letter is addressed is an ..................................... .

1 choice, 2 succeeds, 3 invitations, 4 advised, 5 improves, 6 trial, 7 weigh, 8 prove, 9 failure, 10 addressee



diéty = per-diem allowances, expense allowances, daily allowances etc.
diet označuje potravu typickú pre určitého človeka, skupinu, resp. živočícha, zdravotnú diétu, diétu na chudnutie Diet varies between different countries. Children exist on a diet of burgers and chips. The doctor put me on a low-salt diet.

dostať = to get
to become znamená "stať sa niekým/niečím" (ide o vplyv nemeckého slova bekommen!!!)

etiketa na výrobku = label
etiquette je súbor pravidiel resp. zvyklostí správania sa social/diplomatic etiquette

eventuálny = potencial, prospective, possible
eventual = "konečný, záverečný" The original budget was $1 billion but the eventual cost is 50% higher; the eventual winners of the competition

eventuálne = alternatively, possibly, perhaps
eventually znamená "nakoniec, napokon, konečne, na záver" It might take him ages but he'll do it eventually.

extravagantný t. j. výstredný = bizarre, eccentrical
extravagant = "márnivý, márnotratný" extravagant celebrities/lifestyle; how extravagnt of you to buy such an expensive dress, " nákladný/prehnaný" extravagant demands on time and money, extravagant fees

Telephone Language

No connections – further contact/Nie je možné prepojiť - ďalší kontakt
Mr. Soames is not in. Would you like me to connect you to Mrs Bell instead? - Pán Soames tu nie je. Mám Vás spojiť namiesto toho s pani Bellovou?
I've tried to get through several times but it's always engaged. - Snažila som sa Vás prepojiť niekoľkokrát, ale je stále obsadené.
Would you like to leave a message? - Chcete nechať odkaz?
Can I take a message? -Môžem prevziať odkaz?
Shall I ask him to call you back? - Mám ho požiadať, aby Vám zavolal?
Does she have your number/the number at which she can reach you? - Má Vaše číslo/číslo, kde Vás môže zastihnúť?
Could you give me your phone number and I’ll ask him to call you back? - Mohli by ste mi dať Vaše číslo a ja ho požiadam, aby Vám zavolal?

Putting someone on hold/Žiadame volajúceho, aby počkal
Just a moment, please. - (Počkajte) chvíľu/moment, prosím.
Could you hold the line, please? = Hold on/the line, please. = Can you hold on a moment, please? - Neskladajte, prosím. (kladná odpoveď – Yes, I’ll hold.)
Please hold. I will attend to you shortly. - Prosím, čakajte. Hneď sa Vám budem venovať.
I’ll see if he is in. - Pozriem sa, či je tu/u seba.
Sorry for keeping you waiting. - Prepáčte, že ste museli/musíte čakať.
Would you like to hold? - Chcete čakať?
Do you still want to hold? - Chcete ešte čakať?
Are you holding? - Ste ešte na linke = ešte čakáte?

Stating the purpose of your call - Part I/Vysvetlenie dôvodu, pre ktorý voláte- Časť I
I’d like to meet Mr. Wang. Would you mind arranging that for me? - Chcel by som sa stetnúť s p. Wangom. Mohli by ste to zariadiť. (kladná odpoveď napr. - No. Not at all. I can set up   a meeting with Mr Wang tomorrow at 11 am. Would it suit you?)
It's about… - Ide o ....
I'm phoning/calling about… - Volám ohľadne/kvôli ....
I’m just calling about … - Volám iba ohľadne/kvôli ....
I am phoning to let you know the details of my upcoming visit to …. - Volám, aby som Vás bližšie informoval/-a o svojej blížiacej sa návšteve v ...
I'm calling in connection with… - Volám v súvislosti s ....



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27. máj 2024 10:28